Lab Requirements for Distance/Online Students
Depending on chosen major, online/distance students may be required to come to UND’s campus in Grand Forks over the summer to complete lab courses as part of their degree requirements.
About College of Engineering and Mines Summer Labs
Lab dates and times are set by the department, and the course information can be found in Campus Connection typically in the semester prior to the labs being offered.
- Certain majors also may require remote labs including Chemistry and/or Physics.
- On-campus labs may require additional work to be completed prior to and/or after attending the on-campus portion of the lab.
- All on-campus labs listed for a specific major run mostly consecutively in a summer and cannot be completed concurrently to each other during the week unless noted below.
International Students
International students that need to complete on-campus labs at UND are required to complete the visa process and meet the minimum full-time enrollment requirements for maintaining visa status.Students in this situation are highly encouraged to work with academic advisors in confirming a degree plan is set-up prior to enrollment in any courses.
International student Requirements
Program-Specific Summer Lab Requirements
To determine if you are required to come to UND’s campus for your intended degree, please see the program-specific requirements for the College of Engineering & Mines below.
Important Information
Students are required to complete four Engineering specific labs for the program.
- Three of the labs are in person labs and one is completed via distance, ME 323L.
- Safety glasses, proper attire, or other class materials may be required for certain labs, so it is recommended to check the course syllabus before arriving to campus.
- If a student has previous work experience, course work, and/or certification, they may take ME 102, which may waive the ME 201C/L (ME 201).
- If students prefer to take the ME 201 and/or ME 323 course and lab at a different school local to them, they need to verify it will transfer as equivalent prior to enrolling. ME 483 lab & AE 492 Lab must be completed at UND and cannot be transferred in.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are required to be completed in person:
- ME 201L Student Design (4 days on-campus)
- AE 492 Aeromechanics Laboratory (5 days on-campus)
- ME 483 Mechanical Measurements Laboratory (5 days on-campus; additional work required to be completed before and after on-campus portion of course)
Distance/Online Labs
The following lab will be completed via distance, concurrently with the ME323 lecture course:
Important Information
Students may be required to complete the following labs for the Biomedical Engineering program.
- Due to the different concentrations offered in the major, it may require different labs to be completed.
- Safety equipment and other materials required for each lab will be included in the syllabus provided at the beginning of each semester. This may include safety glasses, proper attire, and policies for how to approach the necessary lab experiments.
- Unless required to be taken at UND as per the Academic Catalog, courses may be transferred into UND as long as they are determined equivalent prior to enrollment.
- All listed prerequisites or corequisites for a lab must be met in order to enroll.
- Biomedical Engineering requires all students in the major to complete their Innovation-Based Learning (IBL) sequence. Due to the nature of the course, it is highly recommended that distance students participate synchronously if possible. If asynchronous enrollment is needed, discussion will need to be had with undergraduate director prior to enrollment in courses.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are requirements in the specific Mechanical or Chemical Concentrations of the Biomedical Engineering major.
Only students in the Chemical or Mechanical track will be required to take on-campus labs to earn their degree.
- ME 201L: Student Design (5 days on-campus; taken in summer immediately following ME 201C lecture)
- CHE 235: Chemical Engineering Summer Lab I (7 days on-campus; CHE 235 and 335 are recommended to be taken in multiple summer sessions)
- CHE 335: Chemical Engineering Summer Lab II (14 days on-campus; (7 days on-campus; CHE 235 and 335 are recommended to be taken in multiple summer sessions)
Important Information
Students are required to complete three Chemical Engineering specific labs for the program.
- Due to the intensive nature of the labs, the three Chemical Engineering labs must be taken over multiple summers.
- Additional work will be required prior to attending and after the conclusion of the on-campus portion of the lab course.
- Students are required to bring closed toe shoes and no shorts. Materials to document lab data is necessary such as a notebook and writing utensil, laptops are highly recommended.
- If students prefer to take CHE 235 and CHE 335 locally, they need to verify that the lab will transfer as equivalent prior to enrolling. CHE 431 must be taken at UND and cannot be transferred.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are required to be completed in person:
- CHE 235 Chemical Engineering Summer Laboratory I (12 days on-campus)
- CHE 335 Chemical Engineering Summer Laboratory II (14 days on-campus)
- CHE 431 Chemical Engineering Laboratory IV (15 days on-campus)
Distance/Online Students
The Chemical Engineering major requires completion of an approved organic chemistry course. Online/distance students taking the course through UND will take:CHEM 340: Organic Chemistry I and CHEM 340L: Organic Chemistry I Lab during the spring as an online synchronous course.
Important Information
Students are required to complete five Civil Engineering specific labs for the program.
- All labs may be completed in one summer or over multiple summers. Additional work will be required prior to attending and after the conclusion of the on-campus portion of the lab course.
- Students are required to bring closed-toe shoes and no shorts.
- If time permits students may have the opportunity of visiting a construction site. Materials to document lab data are necessary such as a notebook and writing utensils, laptops are highly recommended.
- If a student has previous work experience, coursework, and/or certification, they may take CE 102 Professional Assessment and Evaluation, which may waive some lab requirements.
- Labs may be done locally and transferred to UND as long as they are pre-approved.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are required to be completed in person:
- CE 313L General Surveying Laboratory (5 days on-campus)
- CE 411 Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory (5 half-days on-campus; run concurrently with CE 412L)
- CE 412L Soil Mechanics Lab (5 half-days on-campus; run concurrently with CE 411)
- CE 423L Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (2 days on-campus)
- CE 431L Environmental Engineering Laboratory (3 days on-campus)
Important Information
Students are required to complete the following labs for the Earth Science program.
- Safety equipment and other materials required for each lab will be included in the syllabus provided at the beginning of each semester. This may include safety glasses, proper attire, and policies for how to approach the necessary lab experiments.
- Unless required to be taken at UND as per the Academic Catalog, courses may be transferred into UND as long as they are determined equivalent prior to enrollment. All listed prerequisites or corequisites for a lab must be met in order to enroll.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are requirements in the Earth Science degree and are not offered online- they must be taken in-person on UND’s campus.
Distance/Online Labs
The following lab courses are requirements in the Earth Science degree and may be completed through UND without coming to UND’s campus:
- GEOL 101L: Introduction to Geology Laboratory
- GEOL 102L: The Earth Through Time Laboratory
- Based on electives chosen, additional remote laboratories may be required
Important Information
Students are required to complete the following labs for the Environmental Geoscience program.
- Safety equipment and other materials required for each lab will be included in the syllabus provided at the beginning of each semester. This may include safety glasses, proper attire, and policies for how to approach the necessary lab experiments.
- Unless required to be taken at UND as per the Academic Catalog, courses may be transferred into UND as long as they are determined equivalent prior to enrollment. All listed prerequisites or corequisites for a lab must be met in order to enroll.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are requirements in the Environmental Geoscience degree and are not offered online- they must be taken in-person on UND’s campus.
- GEOL 318L: Mineralogy Lab or GEOE 301L: Petrophysics Lab (lab taken must align with paired lecture; amount of time varies depending on lab taken)
Distance/Online Labs
The following lab courses are requirements in the Environmental Geoscience degree and may be completed through UND without coming to UND’s campus:
- GEOL 101L: Introduction to Geology Laboratory (alternative includes GEOE 203L: Earth Dynamics)
- GEOL 411: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- GEOL 414: Applied Geophysics
- BIOL 150L: General Biology I
- BIOL 151L: General Biology II
Depending on student’s choice of electives, additional labs may be taken from a distance. Certain electives, whether lecture or labs, may not be available in the online format.
Important Information
Students are required to complete the following labs for the Geological Engineering major.
- Two of the labs plus the field camp are in-person, while 4-5 others are completed remotely.
- Safety glasses, proper attire, or other class materials may be required for certain labs, so it is recommended to check the course syllabus before arriving to campus.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are required to be completed in person:
- GEOE 301L: Petrophysics Laboratory (3 days on-campus)
- GEOE 455L: Geomechanics Laboratory (2 weeks on-campus)
- Field Camp (offered through South Dakota School of Mines and Technology for 5 weeks)
The following courses/labs will be completed via distance, either concurrently or as a part of the course:
- GEOE 203L: Earth Dynamics Laboratory
- GEOL 330: Structural Geology
- GEOL 411: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- GEOL 414: Applied Geophysics
If choosing to take ENGR 206: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, students will be required to purchase an ENGR 206 lab kit and complete labs remotely concurrently with the course.
Depending on student’s choice of electives, additional labs may be taken from a distance. Certain electives, whether lecture or labs, may not be available in the online format.
Classroom Lab Information
Students are required to complete the following labs for the Geology program:
- GEOL 101L: Introduction to Geology Laboratory
- GEOL 318L: Mineralogy Laboratory
- GEOL 320L: Petrology Laboratory
Distance students generally complete GEOL 101L online but are welcome to come to Grand
Forks and complete this semester- long lab on campus if they choose. All labs must
be taken concurrently with their relevant lectures.
Safety equipment and other materials required for each lab will be included in the
syllabus provided at the beginning of each semester. This may include safety glasses,
proper attire, and policies for how to approach the necessary lab experiments.
Unless required to be taken at UND as per the Academic Catalog, courses may be transferred
into UND as long as they are determined equivalent prior to enrollment. All listed
prerequisites or corequisites for a lab must be met in order to enroll.
Field Experience Requirement
Please note that while the GEOL 318L and GEOL 320L labs may be completed online, the 3-credit Geology Field Experience requirement for the Geology B.S. degree must be fulfilled by completing an in-person field camp, internship, research experience, or other equivalent field experience, as outlined in the Field Experience Approval Form.
Important Information
Students are required to complete four Mechanical Engineering specific labs for the program.
- Three of the labs are in person labs and one is completed via distance, ME 323L.
- Safety glasses, proper attire, or other class materials may be required for certain labs, so it is recommended to check the course syllabus before arriving to campus.
- If a student has previous work experience, course work, and/or certification, they may take ME 102, which may waive the ME 201C/L (ME 201).
- If students prefer to take the ME 201 and/or ME 323 course and lab locally, they need to verify it will transfer as equivalent prior to enrolling. ME 418L and ME 483 lab must be completed at UND and cannot be transferred.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are required to be completed in person:
- ME 201L Student Design (4 days on-campus)
- ME 418L Manufacturing Processes Laboratory (4 days on-campus)
- ME 483 Mechanical Measurements Laboratory (5 days on-campus; additional work required to be completed before and after on-campus portion of course)
Distance/Online Labs
The following lab will be completed via distance, concurrently with class:
Important Information
Students are required to complete two Petroleum Engineering specific labs for the program.
- All labs may be completed in one summer or over two summers. Each lab is 5 days in length.
- Students are required to bring closed toe shoes and no shorts.
- Materials to document lab data is necessary such as a notebook and writing utensil, laptops are highly recommended.
- If students prefer to take the either lab locally, they need to verify that the labs will transfer as equivalent prior to enrolling.
On-Campus Labs
The following lab courses are required to be completed in person:
- PTRE 361 Petroleum Engineering Laboratory I (5 days on-campus)
- PTRE 462 Petroleum Engineering Laboratory II (5 days on-campus)
Important Information
- Computer Science and Data Science lab experiences are completed online; no on-campus residency is required.
- Electrical Engineering and Cybersecurity labs are completed remotely by purchasing lab kits and/or other materials. The items needed for Electrical Engineering labs will be dependent upon which lab you begin with (ex: if you have transfer credits for EE 101 and 201L and begin with EE 206L the kit will be different for you than if you take EE 101 and EE 201L with UND).
Component requirements for labs may change each semester due to global stocking issues.
At this time, the list of component requirements is dependent on when you take the course, and you may find the list of required components in the Blackboard site of the lab course once enrolled.
If you have concerns or questions about what materials are needed for each lab course, please consult the listed instructor for the lab course for the semester in which you are enrolled.
Required Online Labs Outside of CEM
Lab courses that are required outside of the College of Engineering and Mines are all offered online during the summer.
Students may be required to purchase specific materials to complete the requirements, that information will be provided by the instructor of the course. Please review your program requirements in the academic catalog to determine which courses you may need to complete.
The available labs are as follows:
- CHEM 121L: General Chemistry I Lab
- CHEM 122L: General Chemistry II Lab
- PHYS 251CL: University Physics I Lab
- PHYS 252CL: University Physics II Lab
Labs may be completed locally and transferred to UND as long as they are pre-approved.
Housing Options
Summer housing is available for students who are traveling to campus for labs. Students can use University Residence Halls or a local hotel of their choice. UND Housing options and registration details will be e-mailed to students prior to registration.