Faculty & Staff Resources
Jaggaer Login
- CEM Faculty Research Travel and Publication Application
- Editing Request Submission Form
- Engineering Student New Hire Request Form: Used to provide information required to post Student position in Recruiting Solutions to Hiring Coordinator. Please complete in full and send to Hiring Coordinator for approval and submission to student employment website.
- Faculty Request to Post Exams: Used to request exam posting by the Online Support office. Please complete in full and email to dedpexamsubmit@und.edu.
- Travel Authorization: This form needs to be approved by the chair of the department before purchasing transportation or registration.
- Travel Reimbursement Checklist
- CEM Space Request Form
Travel, Expenses and Reimbursements
An entry will be made into the PeopleSoft Travel & Expense module.
- Traveler should complete the Travel Summary Form.
- Include appropriate receipts
- Submit information & form to Department Support Specialist who will work with SSC.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
An entry will be made into the PeopleSoft Travel & Expense module. Create an email with the below information as send to the Department Support Specialists
- Appropriate receipts
- Employee Name and EMPL ID
- Funding String for each item

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Budgets and Finance
Contact the Finance Manager to run a PeopleSoft 'Fund Overview Report' or Information Builder 'Budget to Actual by Department Summary'

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the Finance Manager to review the funds and provide the appropriate information.

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Academic Support
Undergraduate Students
The Administrative Support Specialist is the liaison with CEM Academic Advisors in assisting students in regards to advising appointments, registration issues
The Undergraduate Programs Coordinator will:
- Assign Undergraduate CEM academic advisor and submit Registrar’s Office
- Graduation Audits - Generate accurate and timely Graduation audits
When a new transfer student is admitted they are assigned both a faculty mentor and academic advisor by the CTA
Graduate Students
Graduate Prog Director assigns advisors for students in respective department
CEM Contacts
CEM Academic Advisors can provide permission numbers for courses as long as student meets pre-requisites or is requested by course instructor to do so.
Whenever feasible, exams and assignments should be graded electronically. For Online courses the Online Support Specialist can print the exams/assignments -- they should coordinate with the CEM Dept Support Specialists.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
The Hiring Coordinator manages GTA/GRA appointments and associated paperwork in conjunction with the Directors, Chairs and Deans office.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the appropriate Graduate Programs Coordinator / Undergraduate Programs Coordinator.

- angela.lockwood@UND.edu
- 701.777.6489
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103A
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Status sheets are no longer being updated. Instead, student progress can be tracked in Campus Connection through the Academic Requirements Report.

- angela.lockwood@UND.edu
- 701.777.6489
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103A
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Please provide the following information:
- Catalog Number and Class Title
- Session Length and Meeting times/days/location
- Year and Semester Offered
- Credit Hours
- Mode of Delivery
- Class Capacity
- Faculty Name and ID number

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide details to the Dept Support Specialists.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide the following information to the Outreach Recruiting and Retention Specialist :
- Student name
- Student ID number
- Award amount

- gwendolyn.klawon@UND.edu
- 701.777.3390
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103J
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide list of students and information needed to Department Support Specialists.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Provide the information to Academics Programs Coordinator (UG or GR)
- Specify which group of students should receive the information
- Academics Programs Coordinator will communicate information either as:
- A separate email
- Incorporated into the next scheduled newsletter

- angela.lockwood@UND.edu
- 701.777.6489
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103A
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide details to the Dept Support Specialists.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the Dept Support Specialist who will work with the bookstore.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide details to the Dept Support Specialists.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
HR and Payroll
Follow the In-Out processing form. The Hiring Coordinator will coordinate.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Follow the In-Out processing form. The Hiring Coordinator will coordinate.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
A Job Data Change Form will be created that will get routed for signature and sent to Human Resources. Provide the following employee information to the Hiring Coordinator.
- Employee Name
- Position Number
- Dept ID
- Job Code
- Effective Date of Change
- Change Necessary

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
A Position Funding Form will get routed for signature and sent to Human Resources. Provide the following employee information to the Hiring Coordinator.
- Effective Date for funding change
- Position Number
- Department Number
- Employee name if the position is single occupant
- Employee ID if the position is single occupant
- Funding information including Fund, Department, Project (If applicable), Account and the Percent for the funding string

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Prior to the start of the additional duties, department chairs should work with the Hiring Coordinator to create a Letter of Understanding (LOU) that defines the scope of work and the compensation for the work.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
An Additional / Reduce Pay Request form will get routed for signature and sent to Human Resources. Provide the following employee information to the Hiring Coordinator.
- Employee Name
- Position Number
- Dept #
- Job Code
- Earning Dates
- Amt/Pay Period
- Total Payment
- Reason for the additional pay (attach LOU)

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Faculty Hiring (including Post-Docs)
- Request to Recruit Form: Special Appointment or Tenure Track - Fully completed and signed by hiring manager. Sent to Hiring Coordinator for Dean approval, then sent to Heather at Vice President's Office for approval.
- 100 point Matrix - Fully completed and sent to Hiring Coordinator. Minimum/Preferred requirements must reflect the requirements on the job posting template
- Faculty Job Posting Template - Fully completed and sent to Hiring Coordinator.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Staff Hiring Process
- First request a Compensation Review with HR, along with a Position Description.
- Request to Recruit Form - Fully completed and signed by hiring manager. Routed for approvals by the Hiring Coordinator to the Dean. E-mailed to Heather in Vice President's Office.
- Completed copy of Position Description (if not already completed).
- Staff Job Posting Template fully completed and sent to Hiring Coordinator.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Complete a Temp or Part-Time Job Posting Template and send to Hiring Coordinator.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the Hiring Coordinator to start the onboarding process.
- Hiring Manager complete the Engineering new hire form and provide to the Hiring Coordinator
- Name
- Email Address
- Employee ID (if exists)
- If the candidate is currently employed with UND
- If a student, are they work study?
- Salary / Hourly Wage offered
- Funding Source
- Position Number
- Hiring Coordinator will review for completion.
- Hiring Coordinator will complete the background check and start if the I9 process if necessary.
- Once the background check and I9 process are complete, the Hiring Coordinator will enter the information into HRMS.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the Hiring Coordinator to start the coordinate the process.
- The Chair will complete a Request to Appoint form.
- Once signed off by the Chair and Dean it can be sent with the candidate’s CV and draft Letter of Understanding (LOU) to Academic Affairs Officer for review/approval
- Once approved, Hiring Coordinator sends the signed Request to appoint form, candidates Curriculum Vitae and LOU to process in HRMS.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Please see the details on the timeline and required materials on the Provost's Office website.
The Hiring Coordinator will coordinate the process for the college-level review.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Send the information to the Hiring Coordinator to prepare the job announcement.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Following the UND staff handbook, employees with supervisory responsibilities must approve the time worked each pay period and attest the time record is accurate. Therefore only an employee's supervisor should be approving the time for any hourly employee. The Hiring Coordinator will be the main contact for questions regarding Tlab.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact: Dept Support Specialists

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Utilize the store pickup option at applicable suppliers, such as Lowe’s.
- Ordering from a new supplier you are not going to use in the future.
- When there is an emergency (need item within 72 hours), or for customized items that can’t be purchased through Jaeggar.
- Contact the Dept Support Specialist if there is a question on the proper payment method.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
The supplier tile displays the punchout and hosted catalogs set up through Procurement & Payment Services; therefore, supplier tiles cannot be customized.
- To find contact info for the supplier, open the PO in Jaggaer. Click ‘more info’ next to their name. Click the supplier tab for phone number, web address, or email.
- You can also search for the supplier in the ‘search bar’ and look at the summary page.
- Suppliers have the option to register within Jaggaer, unfortunately some have chosen to not participate.
- Use the PCard for purchases with these suppliers.
Grant Management
For Grants – contact your Grant Manager

- angie.cantera@UND.edu
- 701.777.6137
Upson II Room 160L
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
For Appropriated and Local funding – contact the Finance Manager

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the CEM Grant Manager.

- angie.cantera@UND.edu
- 701.777.6137
Upson II Room 160L
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Other Items
Send the following items to Dept Support Specialists to create a Payment Request Form within Jaggaer.
- Copy of the Invoice which includes the Supplier Invoice # and Date
- Business purpose
- Ship To Address (Dept that received the item)
- Funding Information

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide details to the Dept Support Specialists.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the CEM Hiring Coordinator.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Utilize a charge account at the local store. Submit the invoice to the Department Support Specialist to complete the purchase. If immediate payment is necessary, use the PCard.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- angie.cantera@UND.edu
- 701.777.6137
Upson II Room 160L
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Contact the supplier to request the correct item and ask if the wrong item should be returned.
- To find contact information for the supplier, either click ‘more information’ by their name in the PO or type the supplier’s name on the search bar and look at the summary tab.
- How is the return paid for?
- If you want to keep the incorrect item, submit the invoice for payment (DO NOT enter a new order).
- Paying out of pocket should be avoided if possible. You may be charged sales tax, which cannot be reimbursed.
- See ‘Travel & Expenses’.
- Send an email with the following information :
- Appropriate receipts.
- Employee Name & EMPL ID.
- Funding String (Project/Fund Number) that will be paying for each item.
- An entry in the PeopleSoft Travel & Expense module will be created.
- If you return the item, the supplier generally sends a Return Material Authorization (RMA) to ship it back.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Purchase at the lower price and document the savings for future audits.
- Contact Procurement & Payment Services to resolve the pricing within the catalog.
Provide this information to the CEM Facility & Library Manager.

- darin.buri@UND.edu
- 701.777.3221
Leonard Hall Room 326B
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Work with the CEM Facility & Equipment Manager to obtain key or card access
The requestor should provide the following information:
- Their first and last name as it appears on their ID card. Students must have authorization from a faculty member or their supervisor in order for access to be granted.
- Their ID number and card number (01, 02, 03 etc.).
- The building name and door or room number that the person needs access to must be listed.
Once the requestor has their key and/or card access, the following security and access control are stressed.
- Key and ID card are the property of the university and there are replacement fees if they are lost. If you lose a key, the lock shop will have to re-core the lock and this is expensive. If your key opens multiple doors, all of those will have to be re-cored.
- You may not share your key or loan it to anyone else. It is against university policy to use your key or card to give access to others who do not have access. Doors that are locked cannot be propped open.
- When you are no longer enrolled or employed at UND you must return your keys and ID card. When you return your keys you will be given a pink receipt. Please scan or photograph that receipt and email it to the CEM Facility and Equipment Manager

- darin.buri@UND.edu
- 701.777.3221
Leonard Hall Room 326B
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide the Department Support Specialist your requirements to assist in finding a room.
The Department Support Specialist will utilize the below tools for reserving rooms:
- UND Scheduling & Event Information
- Utilize the Outlook calendar room as most conference rooms start with “UND” in the address book. Such as “UND Twam”, "UND Gamble”, “UND Facil”.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Provide the Administrative Support Specialist your requirements and they will assist in finding a room.
The Administrative Support Specialist will utilize the below tools for reserving rooms:
- UND Scheduling & Event Information
- Utilize the Outlook calendar room functionality as most conference rooms start with “UND” in the address book. Such as “UND Twam”, "UND Gamble”, “UND Facil”.

- kathie.johnke@UND.edu
- 701.777.2180
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
CEM Research Support
Work with the Grant Manager/Resource Analyst in the Research Support Unit.

- angie.cantera@UND.edu
- 701.777.6137
Upson II Room 160L
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Please bring these items to the Solberg Student Success Center.

- kathie.johnke@UND.edu
- 701.777.2180
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
The Administrative Support Specialist can assist.

- kathie.johnke@UND.edu
- 701.777.2180
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
The Dept Support Specialists can assist faculty with these needs.

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Review Calendars for availability
- Create Calendar invite with an available room or remote access
- Attach appropriate content to the invite

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Contact the Outreach Recruiting and Retention Specialist.

- gwendolyn.klawon@UND.edu
- 701.777.3390
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103J
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Work with the Hiring Coordinator to obtain the key and walk through the odometer requirements.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
If you see something missing from this list of FAQs, please send an email to the Hiring Coordinator and we will make sure to add it. Over time, we will grow the information on this page and hope to provide all the information, policies, and procedures that faculty and staff need to do their jobs effectively and efficiently.

- barbara.gangelhoff@UND.edu
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155