Staff Support Directory

Personnel & Payroll Officer
- 701.777.3309
Upson II Room 165C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Support and scheduling for Dean’s office
- Liaison between CEM/VPAA/HR/Shared Service Center (SSC) for all CEM Staff and Faculty recruitments and hires
- Maintain faculty/staff records including evaluations and P&T
- Coordinate Faculty Letters of Understanding (LOUs) process
- Maintain personnel records for faculty as the official office of records for those files
- Liaison between CEM/VPAA/HR/Shared Service Center(SSC) for all CEM Graduate and Undergraduate Student Employees recruitments and hires
- Admin support for department chairs and faculty
- Manage tuition waivers
- Coordinate and distribute mail and deliveries

Joe Egan
BS Meteorology
CEM Dept Support Specialist
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

CEM Dept Support Specialist
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

CEM Dept Support Specialist
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Department student support
- Liaison with Shared Service Center - procurement, P-cards, office supplies, food
- Course management in Campus Connection
- Collaborate with faculty for text book orders
- Coordinate faculty print requests with Duplicating Services and Admin students
- College support and outreach
- Liaison to Shared Service Center for travel and reimbursements for CEM

Academic Programs Coordinator
- 701.777.6489
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103A
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Student communications
- Track/manage grad student progress
- Support for Grad Directors and Grad Programs Committee
- Support for Academic Programs Committee
- Liaison with Grad School and International Center
- Support for Courseleaf program management
- Recruiting and outreach to prospective students
- Work with Ad Astra and Registrar's Office to optimize classroom usage

Online Program Coordinator
- 701.777.4333
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103D
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Provide services for online prospective & registered students / All general communications
- Liaison to the UND Campus for the online engineering students and to represent UND and CEM while promoting DEDP
- Update students on course & lab schedules and availability
- Prepare for summer laboratories on UND campus

Online Support Specialist
- 701.777.2684
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103E
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Provide support to faculty regarding online lectures, blackboard, courses, etc.
- Coordinate exams and proctors
- Grading support for faculty - printing/uploading/ downloading
- Ensure classes are scheduled in the appropriate rooms for recording purposes
- Request/add user when needed for TA
- Populate on-campus and DEDP groups in Blackboard for each course offered via distance

Administrative Support Speclst
- 701.777.2180
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- College of Engineering & Mines reception
- Answering and/or directing all calls and emails for CEM
- Assist students in regard to advising appointments, registration issues, etc.
- Room & classroom scheduling
- Support student organization groups

Technical Writer / Editor
- 701.777.3219
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 246
Grand Forks ND 58202-8153
- Edit for grammar, spelling, punctuation and correct structure of proposals, technical reports and other research related correspondence developed by CEM faculty and research staff, including providing assistance with formatting documents
- Provide support to CEM faculty/researchers in developing and writing supporting documentation for proposals and other research publications
- Provide support to the CEM Associate Dean for Research (ADR) in promoting the research activities of the college

Senior Post Award Analyst
- 701.777.3147
Upson II Room 160J
Grand Forks ND 58202-8153
- Assist PIs managing their whole research portfolio (grants, F&A, research match, appropriated research salary)
- Run PI and payroll reports as needed for Grants
- Assist in effort planning, fund distribution, projecting burn rates and grant close out
- Incumbents & Job Data Reports (projecting year into future)
- Tracking Cost Share and matching funds
- Supporting Cost Centers
- Audit Support and Internal Controls
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- Assist PIs managing their whole research portfolio (grants, F&A, research match, appropriated research salary)
- Run PI and payroll reports as needed for Grants
- Assist in effort planning, fund distribution, projecting burn rates and grant close out
- Incumbents & Job Data Reports (projecting year into future)
- Tracking Cost Share and matching funds
- Supporting Cost Centers
- Audit Support and Internal Controls

Grant Preparation Assistant
- 701.777.6712
Upson II Room 160N
Grand Forks ND 58202-8153
- Assist faculty and staff in preparing and submitting external funding proposals
- Assist PIs in Award Budget Setup
- Assist Associate Dean for Research and CEM faculty and researchers in identifying funding opportunities
- Maintain documentation of all concept papers, preproposals, and proposals submitted by CEM

Angie Cantera
Accounting & Grant Analyst
- 701.777.6137
Upson II Room 160L
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Assist researchers in the preparation of engineering bid documents and coordinate the process from submission to product receipt
- Assist researchers in obtaining equipment/materials cost estimates
- Assist researchers in comparing pricing and specifications among multiple vendors
- Work within a budget to procure commonly used equipment, supplies, and services from vendors

Engineering IT Coordinator
- 701.777.6108
Upson Hall II Room 162B
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

Cory Blue
Linux & Windows System Admin
- 701.777.4722
Upson II Room 162C
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

Dsktp & A / V Support Specialist
- 701.777.1742
Upson II Room 162A
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

Director of Alumni, Corporate & Public Relations
- 701.777.4249
Harrington Hall Room 100E
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Development/stewardship of relations between CEM alumni, corporations and foundations
- Identify, schedule and organize alumni activities for the purpose of development and stewardship and plan CEM special events
- Annual Giving campaign and Alumni Academy
- Write and assist with CEM press releases
- Interface with University Relations and media organizations for press releases, special events and announcements
- Produce the Engineering Magazine
- Maintain records for CEM alumni and corporate partners
- Stewardship calls, emails, and Thank-You’s to donors for gifts
- Schedules company info sessions

CEM Facility & Library Manager
- 701.777.3221
Leonard Hall Room 326B
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Manage Geology Library
- Key and electronic access for all CEM
- CEM Safety Manager
- Coordinate building needs with Facilities
- Help in minor repair tasks related to building, instrumentation, and equipment upkeep
- Manage CEM phone lines
- CEM inventory, asset management & surplus property
- Act as a central contact point for external groups for tours of museum and coordinate students who lead them

Librarian Engr & Sciences
- 701.777.4641
Chester Fritz Library Room 235
Grand Forks ND 58202-9000
- Provide one-on-one assistance, classroom instruction, and tutorials related to research skills
- Assist with scholarly communication topics
- Develop the library's engineering and sciences digital and print collections

Outreach & Recruiting Coord
- 701.777.3390
Collaborative Energy Complex Room 103J
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Identify and recruit high-quality students for engineering and geology programs at UND
- Promote UND CEM, the profession of engineering, and the study of engineering, science, and math to K-12 and community college students and the general public
- Coordinate retention activities and other student services for students across CEM
- Handle scholarships for all departments in addition to the college-wide scholarships
- Oversee Thank-You’s from scholarship recipients

Director of Finance & Business
- 701.777.3412
Upson II Room 165D
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Strategic financial planning for all internal funding
- Strategic financial planning of external funding
- Financial efficiency
- Space inventory and management

Finance Manager
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Financial Administration
- Provide leadership and oversight of financial operations within the College of Engineering and Mines (CEM) including the Research Institute for appropriated, local, grant and alumni funds
- Liaison with UND Alumni Foundation for Alumni fund usage questions to ensure restrictions are being met. Initiate Alumni request for payment when appropriate
- Budget Development and Implementation
- Monitor revenue and expenditure trends to ensure compliance with budgeted and forecasted revenue and expenditures