CEM Jaggaer Training Materials
Jaggaer Login
Jaggaer help and training materials are available from Procurement and Payment Services. Materials including the Jaggaer Manual, Quick Reference Guide, FAQs, and training videos can be found at the link below.
Jaggaer is the system used within UND to make the majority of purchases for academic or research purposes.
More Jaggaer Information[BROKEN LINK]
Under urgent circumstances, P-cards may still be used. See below for more details.
Ordering FAQs
Jaggaer allows for all UND faculty members, staff, or student employees to complete the shopping portion of the order. Preferably, the purchase is made by the person using the item.
Questions can be addressed to the Finance Manager or your Department Support Specialists.
CEM Contacts:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Jaggaer is an e-procurement procure to payment solution that allows a shopper to navigate through online supplier catalog order containing UND contracted pricing.
- Within Jaggaer, utilize the shopping search bar to find the needed item. If you can't find it, click into the Catalog under Featured Suppliers.
- Obtain the items needed and return them to the Jaggaer Cart.
- Click Proceed to Checkout. Enter the Business Purpose, Shipping Address and the Funding Information.
- Assign the cart to your Department Support Specialist (Finance Manager for Dean's Office)
CEM Contacts:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Jaggaer is an e-procurement procure to payment solution that allows a shopper to continue to work with current suppliers that do not have a catalog through the non-catalog purchase form.
- Click on Non-Catalog Purchase Form under Forms and Links on the home page within Jaggaer.
- Choose the supplier. If the supplier is not listed, choose 'Request New Supplier'
- Attach your supplier quote and any backup information.
- Complete the general questions page
- If the purchase is an Alternate Procurement Request, complete the APR page.
- If the purchase is IT related, complete the IT information.
- Enter the Items being purchased.
- Add the Item to cart.
- Click Proceed to Checkout. Enter the Business Purpose, Shipping Address and the Funding Information.
- Assign the cart to your Department Support Specialist (Finance Manager for Dean's Office)
CEM Contact:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
If you know in advance that you will be using a new supplier, use the ‘Request New Supplier’ link on the Jaggaer home page. This link will send the form to Procurement & Payment Services, who will onboard the supplier. An order can be placed as soon as the new supplier completes their steps and it is approved in the system.
If you do not know that you will need to use a new supplier in advance, click the ‘Request New Supplier’ link on the Non-Catalog Order form in Jaggaer.
Contact the Department Support Specialists to identify the best approach.
CEM Contact:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- In the Delivery options, you can click edit and check the box to ‘Expedite’ shipping. It will show ‘Ship Via Best Carrier – Best Way’; however, this may not get transferred to the supplier.
- If you need the item within 24-72 hours, contact the supplier directly.
- If you are quoted an expedited shipping cost, make sure to add it as a line item on your requisition.
Assign carts to your Department Support Specialist (Finance Manager for Dean's Office)
CEM Contacts:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- The supplier determines if they will provide tracking information.
- If provided by the supplier, it will be listed under shipments on the purchase order.
- The commodity code is used to route the Jaggaer purchase to the correct approvers.
- A listing of commodity codes can be found on the Jaggaer home page under Commodity Code List.
- If you need assistance with choosing the correct code, contact Department Support Specialists
CEM Contact:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
Receipting is the acknowledging that you have received the goods or services. Without a receipt on a Purchase Order, the supplier's invoice will not be paid.
- Find the Purchase Order
- Go to Document Actions / Create Quantity (Item) or Cost Receipt (Service)
- Enter quantity (Item) or amount (Service)
- Click complete
CEM Contact:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- The PO number is listed on the packing list.
- In Jaggaer, click Orders, My Orders, My Purchase Orders (‘J numbers’ are the PO numbers).
Click the orders section at the left, click ‘Search’, and enter the PO Number:
Open the PO. Click ‘Document Actions’ on the right side and ‘Create Quantity Receipt’.
Enter the quantity received per line item. When finished, click ‘Complete’.
Contact the Department Support Specialists for guidance.
CEM Contact:

- agnes.carlson@UND.edu
- 701.777.5790
Upson II Room 365 & 366
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- joseph.egan@UND.edu
- 701.777.3876
Upson II Room 260 / 266
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- denelle.kees@UND.edu
- 701.777.4351
Leonard Hall Room 101 & CEC 113
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155

- tonya.parton@UND.edu
- 701.777.3411
Upson II Room 160M
Grand Forks ND 58202-8155
- Many suppliers do not support recurring orders.
- If they do support recurring orders, open the previous requisition for the item(s)
you want to order.
- Click ‘Document Actions’ at the right side and ‘Copy to New Cart’.
- This will copy the entire order to a new cart for you.
- NOTE: Depending on the supplier, you may or may not be able to remove a line or change the quantity.
- You can then modify and update the order without reentering all of the information.
Purchase item with a PCard and let Procurement & Payment Services know that the item is missing from the Jaggaer catalog so they can work with the supplier.
- You receive an email when a PO is sent to the supplier that verifies your order has gone through. If you haven’t received an email, your order did not go to the supplier and is either waiting for approvals or is stuck in the system.
- If you are uncertain about the status of an order, you can open your requisition by clicking Orders, My Orders, My Requisitions:
- Click PR Approvals at the bottom left side to see who has it or if it went out:
- Safety has Ethanol, Methanol, and Formalin available in gallon and pint sizes.
- Contact safety@und.edu.
The PO will not be closed until a receipt is entered. Automated reminders are not sent on virtual payments; however, the Dean’s office staff reviews and sends reminders to receipt when necessary.
Status of an Order
Open your requisition. If you know the number, you can type it in at the ‘Quick Search’ section or choose ‘Requisitions’.
Click on ‘PR Approvals’ on the left side and you can see where it is in the chain.