Environmental Analytical Research Laboratory (EARL)
Lab Goals
- Teaching Support: Hosting training course(Geol 540) to provide students an opportunity to learn lab skills and to gain experience using our laboratory equipment.
- Research Support: To support scientific research and engineering design projects in environmental investigations.
- Analytical Service: Providing reliable analytical service to our customers with best possible combination of convenience and cost.
EARL houses an ion chromatograph, an atomic absorption spectrometer, a total organic carbon analyzer, sulfur analyzers and ancillary equipment to support teaching, scientific research and engineering design projects.
Major Equipment
TOC Analyzer
Shiadzu TOC-V/SSM5000A
- The sampling needle is optimized for sample extraction from highly-sealed vials and for sparging.
- Changing analysis conditions or adding sample vials during analysis is simple. System operation and carrier gas flow can be automatically stopped on completion of measurements.
- Creating multiple calibration curves and selecting the optimal curve for samples with significantly differing concentrations allows these samples to be analyzed in a single run.
- Rinsing both external and internal surfaces of the sampling needle prevents carryover between samples.
Agilent 5100
- Start work sooner with the zero gas consumption VistaChip II detector that shortens warm-up time.
- Measure your toughest samples with a vertical torch – from high matrix to volatile organic solvents.
- Minimize interferences with our Cooled Cone Interface (CCI).
- Achieve long term analytical stability with a solid-state RF system that delivers a robust plasma.
- ICP Expert software and DSC technology. Powerful software algorithms simplify method development, improve accuracy, and extend your measurement range.
Microwave Digestor
- MARS 6 will automatically detect the type of vessel you are using, count the vessels, adjust the power accordingly, and perform the digestion for you.
- iWave® is a contactless, in-situ temperature technology that measures the sample temperature of each vessel in real-time.
- The MARS 6 temperature sensors are designed to meet USEPA temperature requirements by sensing the temperature to within ± 2.5 °C and automatically adjust the microwave field output power within 2 seconds of sensing. Temperature sensors are accurate to ± 2 °C.
- MARS 6 units are capable of fiber optic, IR, and internal pressure control.
Ion Chromatograph
Dionex DX-120
- The dual-column system allows switching between two sets of columns (column select mode) or between two eluents (eluent select mode). In the eluent select mode, the DX-120 can perform step gradients.
- Excellent accuracy and linearity over a broad working range.
- Efficient sweepout and low volume for low dispersion.
- Reduced sensitivity to electrode surface conditions
- Low electrode mass
- Effective temperature compensation
Portable UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
Hach DR/2010
- Uses proven Hach methods (many are USEPA1 approved or accepted) for colorimetric analysis of more than 120 common water quality parameters.
- Stores and recalls data with new datalogging capabilities. Accurate data transfer by means of updated software. Reducesb data-reporting errors with powerful software designed to store up to 1000 readings. Helps meet GLP2 guidelines.
- Increases productivity by eliminating manual calibrations and reagent mixing and measuring.
- Rugged construction and portable battery pack enable analysts to take the DR/2010 into the field. Optional portable printer outputs results on site.
Portable Milti-Parameter Meter
- The Hach HQ40D portable multi meter is a two channels advanced handheld digital meter that takes the guesswork out of measurements.
- Designed for your water quality applications measuring pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), ORP and ISE.
- The HQD portable meters connect with a wide range of Intellical smart electrodes addressing different parameters, sample types and operating environment for water quality, environmental and treatment process purposes.
Pocket pH Meter
Oakton PHTestr® 30
- 0.01 pH accuracy along with dual pH and selectable C or F temperature display
- A complete meter with key features at an economical price
- Replaceable, double-junction electrode sensors save time and money
- IP67-rated housing sits flat on the table and floats in water
Pocket ORP Tester
Oakton ORPTestr® 50
- Double-junction pH electrode sensor is dependable, long lasting, and easy to maintain—ideal for use with sulfides, heavy metals, organics, Tris buffer, or protein solids.
- Easy-to-replace sensor module lets you use the tester body over and over again.
- Intuitive interface has self-diagnostic error messages, and battery-life and stable reading indicators.
- Valox® body resists most chemicals and is rugged, dustproof, waterproof, and IP67 rated
Portable Conductivity Meter
Hach CO150
- The CO150 conductivity meter is a full featured portable meter, which can be used for a wide variety of application in the field or the laboratory. Water quality acid base and other samples can be easily analyze for conductivity with the available conductivity probe.
- The CO150 meter feature a microprocess or design which is complicated and time-consuming calibration and measurement procedure for a wide variety of application.